Cuba, with its colorful and vibrant sights, is truly a beautiful and magical place to visit. But in a lot of ways, there's more to it than meets the eye. Here are some random facts you may not have known about this island nation.
In 2000, a statue of John Lennon was unveiled in Cuba (in the aptly named John Lennon Park) to honor the singer.
Cuba has the highest doctor to patient ratio in the world - so many, in fact, that Cuban doctors are often sent abroad to countries with greater need.
Cuba has a 99.8% literacy rate. The literacy rate in the world is 86.3%.
Cuba operates off of two currencies: Cuban Pesos (CUP) for the locals, and Cuban Convertible Pesos (CUC) for tourists. Since the Cuban Peso isn't being traded in world's money exchanges - its rate is being dictated by the Cuban government. 1 CUC is roughly $0.86 USD and roughly €1.
Cuba has 9 Cultural Heritage sites (sites that UNESCO deem to be important to the collective interests of humanity in their cultural, historical, natural or symbolic significance):
Archaeological Landscape of the First Coffee Plantations in the South-East of Cuba
The Daiquiri was invented in a bar in Old Havana, allegedly with Ernest Hemingway’s help.
Mere hours before he ordered the trade embargo on Cuba, John F. Kennedy bought 1200 Cuban cigars.
There are no animals or plants in Cuba that are toxic or lethal to humans.
On New Year’s Eve in Cuba, it is tradition to burn a doll to symbolize moving on from bad things and getting a fresh start.
Come discover Cuba with us! More info here.